Chapter 5
Nothing can disturb
anyone who welcomes everything without exception
Philosophical Error
philosopher Descartes postulated: “I think, therefore I am”. I propose that he
put the cart before the horse. I would rather say: “I am, therefore I think”.
The brain is mechanical and is designed to enable us to function in a dualistic
world. From an early age we begin to think and put our thoughts into action and
a persona revealed itself which is constructed and conditioned by the
environment into which we are born, by the influence of our parents and others
and by the collective unconscious, as Jung termed it, which consists of all the
memories and experiences of humankind.
persona is not “who I am”. The persona is an illusion which we help to construct
and maintain by adopting opinions, beliefs, modes of behaviour, ideas based on
experiences and so on. Since we are born we have been told time after time that
the world is a certain way and we come to believe that it is like that and we
have no choice but to accept that it is that way. So then we learn to accept a
different reality from the one we have perceived.........................................